Coating Whiteboard Paper Project in Zhejiang

The Zhejiang customer is a large-scale environmentally friendly pulping company. This time, it has launched a new whiteboard paper project with an annual output of 300,000 tons. And the complete set of pulping equipment for this project was provided by Leizhan.

The pulping equipment for this project includes Chain Conveyor, Drum Pulper, D Type Hydrapulper, H.C. Hydrapulper, High Density Cleaner, Middle Consistency Pressure Screen, Double Disc Refiner, Fiber Separator, Reject Separator and Inflow Pressure Screen. The equipment performed well after installation and the production results exceeded the customer’s requirements.

Leizhan can provide a complete set of pulp and paper making equipment, and we have professional engineers who can design the production line according to your requirements. If you want to develop a production line, please contact us.


Contact us or call +86 371 55129198 for more information.