Pulping Machine Delivered for Guangdong Customer

A well-known paper making company from Guangdong has added a new paper making line, and a complete set of pulping equipment is provided by Leizhan. Leizhan’s engineers provide suitable pulping solutions according to customer requirements. The following are the details of this delivery.

More Detail of Pulping Machine Ordered

Ordered machine: Chain conveyor, Cleaner, Double disc refiner, Inflow pressure screen, Vibrating screen, Agitator, Eccentric pulper
Delivered machine: Chain conveyor, Eccentric pulper, Vibrating screen, Cleaner and suporting accessories

Leizhan is a leader in the field of pulping equipment and cooperates with many well-known paper making companies at home and abroad. If you want pulping equipment, please contact us. Leizhan looks forward to cooperating with more paper mills. Email: buypapermachine@gmail.com

Contact us or call +86 371 55129198 for more information.